Considerable cast set for Ridley Scott’s ‘House of Gucci’

By Conner Tighe

The mysterious murder of Maurizio Gucci, previous head of the Gucci Fashion House, is coming to the big screen later this year. The film will be directed by Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, The Martian) and star Adam Driver (Maurizio Gucci), Lady Gaga (Patrizia Gucci), Jared Leto (Paolo Gucci), Al Pacino (Aldo Gucci), Salma Hayek (Giuseppina), and more. 

The film’s trailer revealed a plot of drama, crime, and family feuding as the husband-wife head of Gucci gradually crumbles, leading to the murder of Maurizio. He was killed in ‘95 and it was later revealed his wife had arranged the murder where she served 29 years in prison. Much speculation came after her sentencing when her daughters — Allesandra and Allegra  — claimed a prediagnosed medical condition had interacted with her behavior. Patrizia was later released in 2016.

House of Gucci is set to release on Nov. 24.

Sources: YouTube, Harper’s Bazaar, Showbiz CheatSheet

Featured Image: New York Post

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